The Wellington Timebank engages our collective power to strengthen community; we make it easy for people to actively engaged with the people, organisations and businesses around them.
We are a community of people who call and respond to each other on a daily basis. It works!
Connections are made and needs are met - as each person experiences being valued for their contribution to their community, they start to realise that they are vital to it.
People who join the timebank are asked to pay a yearly membership fee . We rely on the generosity of others to keep the timebank going. Your contribution to the Timebank allows us to keep working towards our vision of a city where we look out for each other and embrace diversity.
Donate via online banking:
Newtown Community Centre
Account Number 06 0574 0236602 50
What is a Timebank?Members of a timebank exchange skills, time and knowledge within a community. By both offering and requesting skills we recognise that we all have needs as well as gifts to share. You earn time credits by doing services for other members. One hour = one time credit A timebank account keeps track of your time credits, which you can exchange for services offered by other timebank members.
What is so special about Timebanking?Timebanks value activities that are not always valued in the formal market economy: caring, learning, imparting values, sharing, socialising, raising children, being a good neighbour, helping others — all contributions that can be made by every human being. As a result timebanks harness the strength of every individual to form strong, resilient and connected communities.
What kinds of people join timebanks?Everyone can join a timebank and all kinds of people do, from students to retirees to recent immigrants to single parents to professionals. Kids need their guardian's permission to take part if they are under 16.
What services can I buy with time credits and what can I do to earn time credits?The possibilities are endless. From walking a neighbour's dog, oiling a squeaky door, raking leaves, stuffing envelopes, braiding hair, cooking meals, giving music lessons, parcel pick up, running errands to lending professional advice, everyone in a timebank has a valuable skill to share.
What if I don't have time?Many of the services people exchange in a timebank are things they are already doing every day. E.g., those of us who have children are already cooking for them, driving them to activities, and helping them with their schoolwork. Cooking an extra portion of food for someone down the street or walking your neighbour's kids home from practice adds minimal work to your day, and may make an enormous difference to the person being helped. Even better, you gain extra time because you can spend the credits you've earned getting someone to help you with something for you that you can't fit into your schedule or simply don't know how to do!
Is timebanking like bartering?It is similar, but the big difference is that you don’t have to make a direct exchange with one person. It is a “pay-it-forward” system. That’s one of the reasons why people find it so much easier to do things for others in a timebanking system. You don’t have to figure out what to give back to the person who helped you. You can choose how to pay it forward doing what you want, when you want.
I am starting up a new non-profit. Can my group join Timebank?Yes you can! We have several member organisations who use Timebank to help meet their needs, including Boomerang Bags, The Newtown Tool Library, and Sustainability Trust. Email the Coordinators, and we'll see what we can do to get you going!
How can I earn more time credits?Volunteer! (See the list of volunteer roles) Help out at one of the WTB events - bring an item or volunteer to be part of the set up/clean-up crew Host a lunch in your neighbourhood Write in with feedback and stories about your trading experiences and receive 1 credit