What is a Timebank?
Members of a Timebank exchange skills, time, and knowledge. We use time instead of money as a currency. Everyone has talents and abilities to share: timebanking is a great way for people to benefit and learn from one another.

Earning time credits
Timebanking is simple. One hour of work earns one time credit. It doesn’t matter what skills are exchanged. Everyone’s time is valued equally. Your timebank account keeps track of your time credits that you can exchange for services offered by other members.
We all benefit
Timebanking benefits us all. For example, members have helped each other get to the supermarket, fix bikes, learn languages, and get job advice. Others have shared their sewing, music, cooking, and photography skills. The possibilities are endless. You can choose what you’d like to offer.

Who’s it for?
Anyone can join the Wellington Timebank. Our current members range from primary school children to rest home residents, and every age in-between. Everyone has something to offer.
Giving and receiving
We want to share our skills and talents and put them to good use. Timebanking is a great way to meet people and value what we have to offer.