Rowena Tun
I want to transform people's perception around generosity and the importance of reciprocity, meaning it is as important to receive as it is to give. I have been raised with the understanding that receiving is a gift of connection and inclusion. I strongly welcome everyone to get involved in our treasure that is the Wellington Timebank if you are not already an individual or organisational member. Encourage your friends, family, neighbours and organisations to be part of a movement for good.

Izzy Dodds
Izzy is originally from Te Tairāwhiti and is a crafter, dancer, and all round lover of community building and mana enhancing efforts. They have been a Timebank member for over six years and have had many great trades through this time learning skills, sharing resources, and making friends. They joined the steering committee to ensure the good the Timebank provides can continue.

Shelali Shetty
I have been a part of the timebank for over 6 years. One of the biggest motivations for being a part of timebank is because it gave me the luxury to meet like minded people who wanted to build a community around them that they truly believe can sustain based on kindness and sharing of resources. I decided to join the steering committee to be someone who can help keep the ship sailing forward!

Ellie Clayton
Ellie is originally from Australia, via the UK, and has been in Aotearoa for some years, mostly loitering around Newtown. She is in love with the ocean and is passionate about social justice. She is currently overseeing Timebank as manager.

Edu Salazar Moreira
Eduardo is an early career academic at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Vic Uni. He has tutored and lectured in development studies and environmental studies courses since 2019. Before moving to Aotearoa to study his PhD, Eduardo worked on a bunch of different development and conservation projects in his home country Perú. He has enjoyed being part of the Wellington Timebank since 2019, only a few months after he arrived in Aotearoa, and has offered photography, haircuts, editing and translating services as his main trades. Eduardo prefers to save up his time credits until the end of the year to get his friends and family holiday presents from the Wellington Timebank's Good Stuff Gift Shop.

Bernadette Delaney
Bernadette has been a long time Timebank member and a Steering Committee member since 2019. One of her favourite trades was a Kyaking trade with Lainey, a fellow Timebanker and ex-steering committee member! They spent the day paddling out in the harbour. Bernadette provides great support to the Wellington Timebank through her keen attitude and community mindedness.